Sebastian Fitness is the only gym with childcare in Sebastian .
Kids Club Hours:
8:30am-12pm / 5pm-8pm
Fri: 8:30am-12pm
Sat: 8am-12pm
Sun: Closed
Rules and Regulations
Child name and information must be entered into the Sebastian Fitness database for identification and security of the child.
A Kids Club Waiver must be completed and signed PRIOR to or at first visit. A waiver must be completed PRIOR to parent/guardian working out in gym.
Children must be signed in on the ATTENDANCE SHEET and signed out by the parent and/or guardian who signed them into Kids Club.
Please Mark all Personal Items (Cups, ect) with Name
Due to food allergies, food is not allowed into the Kids Club area.
Spill proof cups or bottles are permitted and MUST BE LABELED with child's name on it. NO JUICE BOXES ALLOWED.
Children with any visible signs of illness may not be permitted into the Kids Club area. Examples are runny nose with colored discharge, a wet cough or whooping cough (Pertussis), pink eye or crust/puss in eyes, rashes, lice, open cuts oozing with discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, chicken pox, fever, to name a few. It is at the discretion of the Kids Club Staff and Management to deny a child into Kids Club. Children who display unacceptable behavior will be placed in age appropriate time-out. If the problem persists, their parents will be located.
Kids Club Staff will not administer medication.
Parents must inform staff of any special needs of their child. Example; mental health issues, behavioral issues, cognitive ability of child if less than stated age, etc.
Children must wear shoes while in the Kids Club area per FL State Statute.
Please leave personal toys at home. If your child has an item that he or she cannot be without, they may bring it. Older children may bring Gameboys, homework, or books.
Due to the number of children in the childcare, time limitations are required. All Children are limited to 2 hours per day.
Kids Club Staff will only give a verbal reprimand for inappropriate behavior such as hitting, biting, screaming, excessive crying, etc. If behavior cannot be managed by Kids Club Staff within 10 minutes, the parent will be asked to sign their child out of Kids Club for the day. If inappropriate behavior is a chronic pattern while in Kids Club, the child will not be permitted to attend Kids Club at Sebastian Fitness per Management decision.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with our Kids Club Staff or Management. Our staff takes great care and gives special attention to each child. Let's all work together to provide an excellent environment for your children.
Thank you,
Kids Club Staff